Tuesday, September 16, 2008


from the people who try to run me off the road when im walking, to the boys who ask to marry me before they know my name, to that one girl who yelled in my face in Swahili that she didn't want white people around and didn't like them... . im plain tired of racism. thats really what it is. normally its just someone joking with me, greeting me so i'll respond and they can laugh with their friends or telling me to give them money or calling me over so they can make jokes. for a country who wants tourist money i don't really understand why its part of the culture but it is. i dread walking alone, especially away from the main roads because all you get is hassled. the cops and security guards aren't above it... one asked me to be his girlfriend just this morning. if i never hear mzungu again it will be too soon.
other than that im worried about this mole. and i saved a mouse who got into the flour and they were going to kill by acting like he "accidentally" got out of my hands. go baby mouse!

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