Monday, July 21, 2008

dancing & driving, cow legs & crab eyes

ah where to start. quite a bit going on. i seem to have untangled myself from the grasps of alcohol... finally. quite simply i dont like drinking one bit at the moment. unfortunately its customary to buy your guest a beer here. ive been turning that down and drinking a lot of fanta. also ive been driving peoples cars... yep me a designated driver. who would have thunk it.
i went to the club as well which i have been trying to avoid. thankfully for me there was other muzungus there so i didnt feel quite so silly. I had a big row with Deus that night though because we were staying in a hotel with one little tiny bed and he was really drunk and I said I wasn't comfortable sleeping in it together and I was going to sleep on the floor and he pouted and pouted about what kind of guy I took him as and how it wasnt acceptable that his guest sleep on the floor blah blah blah making a big deal saying he was going to leave. it ended with me getting the bed to myself and him being to drunk to realize i laid out all the couch cushion like a bed so sleeping on this little maybe 4 foot long wooden couch without any cushions on it. another reason not to like drinking.. straight dumb.
the next me and bibi and mamandogo went to the market... and i decided to never eat a hamburger again. we stopped in the butcher shop and among all the other horrendous things like blood splattered walls, a huge tree stump covered in curdling fat and bone, rotting skin hanging from the door and huge slabs of fatty meat on hooks covered in flies with a man wielding a huge machete on them was......... four cow legs. absolutely horrifying. from the knee down, sitting all neatly placed so that the bone and guts were exposed to me, slowly turning gray and rotting. it would have made a great picture.. but it also made me want to vomit.
we left there though and got really good pineapple juice, freshly squeezed while bibi yelled at the waitress about something. shes always cranky.
then that night me and deus, agnes, shebanon and kay (his friends) went to this beach not far from here that was absolutely gorgeous. its got huge rock formations in every direction with little islands around the area. you can climb all over and theres amazing lizards and birds and mammals. i saw 8 pimbe which are these small little creatures, looking kind of like rabbits or something and that move very quickly. also some of the more standard lizards, which include ones about a foot long with their front half being bright red and their back being bright purple and ones I'd never seen before that were at least two feet long and looked like very large iguanas that upon seeing me hopped into the water and swam off, Deus said they were like alligators but smaller, although i forget the name, something with an "m". I also found a dead lizard and lots of dead crabs one of whoms eyeballs i took because it was just really cool. I think all of Deus's friends thought I was weird, they sat around drinking and I was off climbing up and down rocks in the distance.
today i spent the morning in the hospital as Deus's aunt has malaria and had to go for medicine. I'm pretty concerned as she's very very pregnant and ive read bad malaria can cause miscarriage. and then on the walk here I was proposed to, I believe, by a man about the age of 40.. yuck.
thats it folks.

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